Tips If You Plan to Attend
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last edited
by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago
- If you've registered and find you can't make it please remove your name from the list of registrants.
- If you've told the organizers you'd like to host a session, get your description in ASAP as we're finalizing the session times this week.
- If you have not registered and plan to attend, we do not discourage that, but, frankly, it may hamper our ability to ensure we have enough space for sessions and enough food. Registering is helpful.
- In addition to sessions, we're building in some time to network, so plan for that.
- We'll likely be taking lots of digital photographs throughout the evening; if you have a problem with this, let us know (csmith@centennialcollege.ca)
- If you arrive by car before 6 p.m., you will likely have to find street parking.
- After 6 p.m. you should be able to find (free) parking in the campus lot. The entrance is at the south end of the building off Carlaw.
- Your hosts for the evening will be faculty and students from the Corporate Communications and Public Relations program---they'll be able to help you direct and guide you.
- When you arrive, you'll receive a printed program with the list of sessions and locations to choose from--if we get really ambitious, we'll publish beforehand on the wiki--right now, we still have a couple more potential sessions.
- The college is in an automatic, energy-saving mode--might be a good idea to bring a sweater or wrap.
- Thanks to Maggie Fox and Social Media Group, you'll be provided with a "grab and go" light supper. It will be available for as long as it lasts.
- When you arrive and check in, be sure to leave us your name and e-mail address so we can keep you updated post-unconference.
Tips If You Plan to Attend
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