
Talk is Cheap FEEDBACK

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago

Talk is Cheap 2.0 Feedback!


Thanks to everyone who attended and participated in Talk is Cheap 2.0


We'd love to get your feedback!  Let us know what you thought about the event and ideas for next year.  Let's keep the conversation going!


Here's how:


1. Click on the Edit Page button above.

2. Sign in using the Invite Key/Password nov12, your name and your e-mail address.

3. Once in, add your comment and name/email if you like.

4. Click on Save. That's it.







 Almost all good... the scheduling is always the toughest part, right?  It was dumb luck that I wandered into the SMG session just as it began, later than advertised.  I drove from Ottawa (and back again) and it would have been a shame to have missed the out-and-out cleverness of the SMG SMPR solution.  I'll come back next year anyways, though.  Thanks.

www.Brett.McAteer.com... Drivin' y'all nuts with copy editing, am I?

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