

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago

Here's the final line-up of sessions for Talk is Cheap 2.0. We have 11 fabulous sessions planned for the unconference.  Click here for the session schedule.



  1. Toronto's Young PR Professionals Roundtable - Chris Clarke will moderate a panel of young PR professionals, from entry level Thornley Fallis coordinator Kerri Birch and MAVERICK PR's Scott Mac Donald to grizzled Fleishman Hillard/iStudio veteran Ed Lee . We'll talk about our experiences thus far and take as many questions as possible. I'd like to pre-emptively request a double-feature session lasting 40 minutes, as 20 just isn't enough! (DOUBLE SESSION!)
  2. So, how important is social media to getting a job and building a career in public relations? Joseph Thornley will lead a panel of PR agency principals, including Palette PR's co-founder Martin Waxman and Porter Novelli Canada's President Trevor Campbell, in a discussion about whether and how social media has influenced who gets hired and the skills that PR practitioners must acquire in order to advance in their careers.
  3. The Ethics of Social Media PR - Dave Fleet and Michael O'Connor Clarke of Thornley Fallis Communications will give a short presentation and lead an interactive discussion on the ethical issues surrounding public relations in the social media world. We'll attempt to carve a path of clarity through the thorny tangle of questions surrounding ghost blogging, anonymous commenting, clients who want to edit their own Wikipedia entries, the perils of astroturfing and other, similar ethical quandaries.
  4. A live recording of Inside PR with Terry Fallis, David Jones, Martin Waxman, and Julie Rusciolelli. The half-hour show will be recorded live with audience participation. So bring your thoughts and questions about PR and social media and join the show and the conversation. (DOUBLE SESSION!)
  5. Social Media for Crisis and Issues Management - A Tucows case study. The communications team at Tucows works 24/7 to ensure real-time information about our Internet services is available to our customers. We live and breathe social media. This is never more pronounced than in a crisis. Leona Hobbs, Director of Marketing and Communications will share a case study including tools used and lessons learned. (DOUBLE SESSION!)
  6. Gotta get me some social media! A growing number of communicators are becoming aware that Web 2.0 tools appear to hold great promise in targeting specific audiences, particularly younger ones. But, do communicators have to get into this space? Do they risk falling into the same we-can’t-afford-not-to trap that swallowed many when the Internet first swept through? And where does one start? Can the staggering array of social media options be learned? Find some answers to these questions along with Gary Schlee, a former corporate communications professor who introduced social media into his curriculum.
  7. Influencing the New Influeners. Bloggers aren't jouralists. Pitching them requires a special set of skills and considerations. Hear from people on both sides of the relationship -- PR professionals who specialize in blogger relations and the bloggers who receive their pleas for coverage. This panel will be moderated by Keith McArthur of com.motion, the social media marketing of Veritas Communications, and panelists will include com.motion blogger specialist Brenna Flynn and Blogger and podcaster Eden Spodek.
  8. Who 'Owns' Social Media, Anyway? Who do you need on your team to actually do this stuff? Based on an article published in Media Bullseye earlier this year, a discussion of the different skills and roles necessary for different social media executions. Digital strategist, podcaster and noisy character Jay Moonah will lead this session.
  9. Mini Book Expo - a Case Study, or My Cool Little Social Media Project Has Taken Over My Life. Bloggers start little projects all the time. Some fizzle. Some gain a little traction with friends and family. Some turn into massive endeavors with participation from 500 bloggers world-wide and 50+ publishing houses and over 1100 books. This is the story of Mini Book Expo. Alexa Clark, Host of Mini Book Expo and Managing Partner at Plethora Press will share some of the growing pains in dealing with bloggers & PR professionals and the success-failure of this online initiative that started as a little "give back" on her personal blog.
  10. The Evolution of Digital Snippets - Kevin de Kock of Social Media Group will give a short presentation and lead an interactive discussion on the the evolution of Digital Snippets, SMG's version of the Social Media Press Release, and lessons learned from the implementation and use at Ford.
  11. To Blog or Not to Blog - While blogging has become very popular for many organizations, large corporations and government organizations have been more cautious to enter the blogosphere. But there is great value to having a corporate blog that corporations and government agencies need to consider. Rouge Valley Health System Public Affairs Director David Brazeau, a public relations professional and former journalist, will discuss pros and cons.


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