

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago

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1. Click on the Edit Page button above.

2. Sign in using the Invite Key/Password nov12, your name and your e-mail address.

3. Once in, add your name to the bottom of the registration list.

4. Click on Save. That's it.


If you've registered and you're unable to attend, please remove your name from the list!


  1. Gary Schlee, Gary Schlee Communications
  2. Melissa Feeney, CCSAI
  3. Christine Smith, Corporate Communications and Public Relations, Centennial College
  4. Barb Sawyers, Sticky Communication
  5. Megan Ramsay, Hill & Knowlton
  6. Martin Waxman, Palette PR
  7. Kerri Birtch, Thornley Fallis Communications
  8. Bonnie Dean, Ontario Dental Association
  9. Dave Fleet, Thornley Fallis Communication
  10. Linda Dessau, You Talk, I'll Write
  11. Barry Waite, Centennial Corporate Communications & PR and Agito Internet Marketing
  12. Chris Clarke, Porter Novelli, Student PR, Clarkeblog, Twitter
  13. Rick Spence, Canadian Entrepreneur Communications
  14. Joe Chawla, Markham Stouffville Hospital, blogs at warofthewords.wordpress.com
  15. Yvette Badack, SB Communcations
  16. Joseph Thornley, Thornley Fallis & 76design. thornley on Twitter. Blogs at ProPR.ca. 
  17. Rick Weiss, Newish Media @ Public Works & Government Services Canada, RickWeiss.ca
  18. Heather Leson, Tucows/OpenSRS 
  19. Chrissy Chrzan, Espresso: Brand Infiltration, Twitter
  20. Rachel Young, Education Blogger
  21. Jennifer Bazinet, MTS Allstream
  22. Melinda Van Patter, Marketwire
  23. Katherine Gaskin, College of Physiotherapists of Ontario
  24. Karin Micheelsen, College of Physiotherapists of Ontario
  25. Gerald Crowell
  26. David Alston, Radian6 - Social Media Monitoring. Blogs at TweetPR and twitter @davidalston
  27. Melissa Lackan
  28. Maryjane Martin, MJ Martin & Company
  29. James McNally, Tucows/OpenSRS
  30. Leona Hobbs, Tucows/OpenSRS
  31. Naveen Atwal
  32. Caroline Houng, Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
  33. Lauren O'Neill
  34. Sara Cooper, Microsoft Canada
  35. Elena Yunusov, Ontario Arts Council
  36. Michael O'Connor Clarke, Thornley Fallis. Blogging at Uninstalled, michaelocc on Twitter.
  37. Brigitte de Navarre
  38. Sakshi Mehta, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
  39. Beverly Fairclough
  40. Marce Bylinska
  41. Maricel Dicion, Cohn & Wolfe
  42. Terry Fallis, Thornley Fallis & 76design, and Terry's blog
  43. Zoe Siskos, Social Media Group, @zoedisco
  44. Parker Mason, CNW Group, BlogCampaigning and on Twitter
  45. Miro Slodki, Miro's Blog
  46. John Sacke: Sacke & Associates Inc
  47. Nicole Guillot, CNW Group
  48. The Conflict Coach: Rebecca Chua
  49. Sarah Roger, Industy Canada
  50. Lars Hansen, C2E Consulting
  51. Eden Spodek, Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, Bargainista, Community Divas, PodCamp Toronto
  52. Kalene Morgan, Humber College
  53. Lauren Wolff, Palette PR
  54. Glen Gatin
  55. Trent Cotton Christian Mgt Consluting, Mgt Consulting Blog
  56. Roman Zelvenschi Media Start-Up in front of your eyes toronto4couples.com
  57. Douglas Walker - Social Media Group Webwalker.ca World Rock Paper Scissors Society
  58. Daniele Rossi - Illustrative designer and social media specialist
  59. andi argast - Edelman
  60. Rob Clark - Social Media Group The Elusive Fish
  61. Kyla Kryski - Intern, Canadian Women in Communications
  62. Damian O'Farrill - Mexican Student, intern at Burson-Marsteller Mexico
  63. Jessica Musycsyn- Corporate Communications Program at Seneca
  64. Jay Moonah - Director of Strategy at 58Ninety Inc., podcaster at Media Driving
  65. Ed Lee - Account Director iStudio Canada.
  66. Michael Estarez - Link Engage
  67. Emma Huang
  68. Steph Hodsoll - Humber PR student
  69. Vanesa Enskaitis - Humber PR Certificate student
  70. Carl Elster - carlelster.com
  71. Anji Barton
  72. Janine Falcon – Beautygeeks
  73. Orlena Lee – ebay.ca
  74. Mou Mukherjee - Tucows
  75. Jennifer Gougeon - University Health Network
  76. William Pointon - Joint Department of Medical Imaging / freelance communications
  77. Brett McAteer - brettdotmcateerdotcom
  78. Scott MacFadyen - APEX Public Relations
  79. Sherri Lambe - Campbell Company of Canada
  80. Raman Uppal - High Road Communications
  81. Kristen Zemlak - High Road Communications
  82. Karin Maier
  83. Cheyenne Peter Baptiste-http://www.cbaptiste.wordpress.com
  84. Lucilla Madamba - Product Design + User Research
  85. Andrey Tochilin - Wild Apricot
  86. Denis Serebryakov - Fedan
  87. Marie Ainey - Office of the Fire Marshal
  88. Keith Holloway - Agito Internet Marketing, TorontoSEO on twitter
  89. Kevin de Kock - Social Media Group
  90. Jen Burkholder - Centennial College Corporate Communications student
  91. T.J. Goertz - Centennial Corp. Comm student
  92. Jessica Wolfraim - Centennial College Corporate Communications and PR student
  93. Alana DaSilva - Centennial College Corporate Communications/PR and York University student
  94. Julia Salerno-Centennial CC&PR student
  95. Parul Bharadia - Centennial College Corporate Communications and PR student/ PARO! M.A.G
  96. April Winchester - Centennial College CC&PR student
  97. Parisa Naghibi - Group of Gold Line
  98. Layla Naghibi - Group of Gold Line
  99. Danielle Simpson - Centennial College Corporate Communications & PR student
  100. James Cooper - Brock University
  101. Victoria Sklavos - Centennial College Corporate Communications & PR student
  102. Melissa Waggoner - Centennial College CC & PR student
  103. Jenessa Fernandes-Cenntennial College CC & PR student
  104. Sarah Fimiani- Centennial College CC & PR and York University student
  105. Leanne Bull - Centennial College CC & PR student
  106. Oksana Fedan - Fedan
  107. Ina Arbova - CC&PR Student
  108. Hugo Voss - CC&PR Student
  109. Andrea Sluga - Centennial College Corporate Communications & PR student
  110. David Tucker - Marketwire
  111. Kendy Sandy - Centennial College CC & PR student
  112. Florence King, Ministry of the Attorney General, Communications Branch
  113. Mackenzie Keller - Centennial College CC&PR student
  114. John Papamarko - Communications intern - Blocks Recording Club - personal blog - Twitter
  115. Angela Kryhul, Kryhul.Com, www.kryhul.com
  116. Heather Watterworth – Communications & PR Specialist, Mary Kay Cosmetics Ltd. / E-mail / Twitter / Centennial OWID Alumni
  117. Joanna Nicholson - Centennial College CC & PR student
  118. Elizabeth Cockle - EC Writing
  119. Sean Bailey - Centennial College Corporate Communications and Public Relations student
  120. mireille massue - TMR
  121. Patricia Favre - Humber PR student
  122. Danielle Mulvey - Humber PR student
  123. Stacey Trottier-Mousseau - Humber PR student
  124. Gillian Welsh - KPMG LLP
  125. Anab Jafri - Cossette Communications/ Optimum PR
  126. Sonia Giampietro
  127. Cathy Kurzbock - Hill & Knowlton
  128. Jacqueline Demchuk - St. Joseph Media
  129. Miroslav Glavic - miroslavglavic.ca 
  130. Danny Alam, Project Manager, NADO, www.nadobyrizk.com
  131. David Rowney
  132. Cheryl Sandys
  133. Larissa Best, Optimum PR
  134. Sarah Anderson - ServiceOntario, Ministry of Government Services
  135. Mira Pazek - ServiceOntario, Ministry of Government Services
  136. Michelle Chang - Twitter
  137. Jessica McLaughlin - Canwest Broadcasting, Digital Media
  138. Emily Abrahams- Centennial College Corporate Communications and Public Relations student
  139. Melissa A. Retty - Humber PR Certificate Student
  140. Victoria Gorobets- Humber PR Certificate Student
  141. Louise Asselin - Centennial Advertising Media Mgmt Student
  142. Alexa Clark - CheapEats Restaurant Guides & Mini Book Expo
  143. Gerry Thorpe - Plethora Press
  144. Linda Huestis
  145. Pavel Choulguine
  146. James Koole - Tucows
  147. Rosalyn Grutca- Humber PR student
  148. June Li - ClickInsight
  149. Margaret Tanaszi, Tanaszi Communications
  150. Maria Koukopoulos, Independent Copywriter, www.mediascribe.ca
  151. Tim Shaw - Quorum Strategic Communications
  152. Ashley Hogan- Humber PR Certificate Student
  153. Kim Romans - BMO Bank of Montreal
  154. Heather Robertson - Boat for Sale Magazine
  155. Martin Millican - agito.ca
  156. Miranda McCurlie - The iPR Group - Twitter- ilovecpstyle
  157. Anne Morello - The iPR Group - Twitter- AMorells
  158. George Saratlic - General Motors of Canada
  159. Natalie Secretan - www.natsecretan.wordpress.com
  160. Jacqueline Zonneville, NATIONAL Public Relations
  161. Craigg Slowly - Urbanology Magazine
  162. Brian Anderson - StrategiContent
  163. Nikolai Bratkovski - SIMMS
  164. Laurence Boucher, GBC
  165. Tanja Sedej, KD Group
  166. Sarah Oberholzer, Centennial College Corporate Communications and PR student
  167. Craig Saunders, Craig Saunders Editorial Services
  168. Susanna Milenkovic - Agito Internet Marketing
  169. Erick Bauer
  170. Kyla Drewette - Centennial College CC+PR student
  171. Jillian Cramer
  172. Wendy Vincent, C2E Consulting
  173. Nadine Anglin, Canwest Broadcasting, Digital Media
  174. Stephen Gardner, Gardner Productions
  175. Stephanie Hutchinson, Humber PR student
  176. Paul Jenkins, Hill and Knowlton
  177. Jamie Allen, Social Media Group
  178. Meighan Szigeti, iStudio Canada
  179. Veronica Giggey, Social Media Group
  180. Christie Adams, Chrystal Communications
  181. John Watkis, Speechwriter,\"Well Written, Well Said\"
  182. Katie Dorion, Humber PR Certificate student
  183. Michael Cayley, follow me on twitter: memeticbrand, local social network Riverdale Rapids (Centennial Faculty & students r welcome!), blogs: www.socialcapitalvalueadd.com, www.memeticbrand.com, SCVA e-book, MSVU Alum blog.
  184. Stephanie Sigel - BDO Dunwoody, Humber PR grad
  185. Anne Lewis - Mini Book Expo/ Humber Publishing grad
  186. Len Lumbers - CCAC
  187. Rick Jessup - Work: 58Ninety, Play: overanything.com
  188. Rosalee Gunraj - Toronto Community Housing Corporation
  189. Nadine Lessio
  190. Sam. Baisie



  1. Connie Crosby, sorry folks, already booked, have a great conference!
  2. Donna Papacosta, Trafalgar Communications: looks like a terrific lineup. Wish I could be there, but I have a client meeting.
  3. Keith McDonald, City of Toronto web - have a late conflict I can't get out of and have to defer to it.
  4. Lee Dale - Smack & Say Yeah! - Too much work, too little time.
  5. Derek Matthew
  6. Leslie Hetherington - Sounded like a great event!  Sorry aI few of us had to miss it due to an IABC board meeting, booked way back.


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