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Talk is Cheap 2.0

The Second Annual Centennial College Unconference

Exploring Trends in Social Media


On behalf of the Centennial College Corporate Communications & Public Relations Program, and the Class of 2009, a HUGE thank you to everyone who attended Talk is Cheap 2.0 and made it such a great success.   
We'd love to get your feedback about what you thought about the event.  Please tell us what you thought about the event here..  They will help us plan for next year! 
Christine & Barry
In November 2007 Centennial College hosted Talk is Cheap, a social media "unconference" that was a huge success -- drawing more than 150 communicators and students from the GTA and generating tremendous feedback. Almost immediately people were asking "When's the next one?"
It's Wednesday, November 12, 2008 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.  Actual sessions begin at 6:30 p.m.
Register now! Already registered? Here are some Tips If You Plan to Attend to make the evening memorable
If  you're a presenter, check out For Session Presenters.


It will offer a series of 20-minute (or 40-minute) presentations on a variety of topics related to social media and public relations (PR 2.0). The content will be determined by participants following the traditional model of an “unconference” – a facilitated, participant-driven face-to-face event organized around a particular theme or purpose that provides an opportunity for the open exchange of ideas without the rigid structure and costs associated with traditional conferences.

 Talk is Cheap contacts. 


Hosted by The Centre for Creative Communications. Check out the directions.

Here are directions if you're arriving via TTC


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